Бесплатные вебинары от Luxoft Agile Practice в ноябре
31.10.2016 3540
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9 ноября – ICAgile ATF: фасилитируем встречи, повышающие уровень сотрудничества в команде.
Вебинар проведет Agile-тренер Светлана Мухина.
Третий вебинар из серии вебинаров ICAgile Agile Team Facilitation, которая состоит из 7 вебинаров о фасилитации Agile-команд. Будут рассматрены техники и инструменты, которые повышают уровень сотрудничества в команде; особенности их применения, случаи, когда они работают, а когда нет.
15 ноября – Evolution of the Scrum Master Role.
Вебинар проводится на английском языке.
These days IT product development is pretty diverse in terms of size, purpose, urgency, money and innovation. Long time ago, Scrum turned into mainstream project management tool as the vast majority of the IT projects reside in the highly turbulent and complex environment. Scrum framework consist of roles, events and artifacts. And if the material part of the framework can be somehow adopted into traditional predictive processes (at least we know what needs to be changed), the people part of the Scrum isn’t so obvious. In the early days of the Scrum you could even hear that Scrum adoption requires organizational revolution, which sounds scary, especially for enterprises. But enterprises wasn’t able to help themselves but started to use Scrum anyway. Many folks around me still curious about Scrum Master role in traditional enterprise organizations. I would encourage everyone to visit this webinar and explore evolution of the management in larger organizations which already started agile transformations.
25 ноября – How Agile Works In Real Life.
Вебинар проведет Agile-тренер Михаил Подурец.
Вебинар проводится на английском языке.
During the trainings we receive a lot of questions like: “So, ok. You are telling us the great things. But in the real life we have to deal with a zillion of real-life-problems. For example we have several teams contributing to one product. To make an increment releasable we need to perform integration testing which takes quite a time. Who should do that? When we should do that assuming that it cannot be done within a sprint? Who should perform that? What do your Scrum-fathers say?”. Great question.
During the webinar we will discuss:
* What are the basic concepts under Agile frameworks and methods;
* How they are applied to the real life.
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